Monday, June 27, 2005

Journey Home - The Solace of Fate

Friday June 20th

Last night I was arrested by an obviously soulless police force that has never done any searching of its own. We can only hope their souls are joined with the same sorts of drug dealers and violent perpetrators they fight against. Not that they would care what their souls are doing anyways.

We left San Diego after I was released on bail and headed towards a much less primitive place - Las Vegas. We stopped in Death Valley on the way merely out of convenience and stopped for photos during a pee stop. Here’s Brennan ripping out a stop sign with his own human strength. Shortly afterwards he ate the entire thing. If you’re wondering how this is possible it’s because I gave him back his appendages. I’ve been hiding them in the glove compartment. He needed to build some character so I figured an appendage-less struggle would do just right.

Whenever I see road signs I laugh, especially now that I’ve been to Jail. Do they really think they can stop me? Shortly thereafter I respected the sign and went a different way.

Since it was too expensive to stay in Vegas for the night, we snuck into the pool at the Paris Casino and went for a swim. I peed everywhere in that pool just to show them how upset we were at their prices. Here is Brennan and I premeditating the act immediately before.

Saturday June 21st

Sometimes I wonder about the state of humanity. Can it ever really work? Can we ever really survive in the midst of such transcendental struggles as class warfare, differences in religion, and racial intolerance? And what about North Korea, sitting with its finger on the button to launch Nuclear weapons and end everything we know? Is global warming going to ravage our planet while we consume our resources in the name of materialism? Will international genocide rein free in socio-political apathy? Does it matter? Is there any meaning in life anyways? As Brennan pondered these questions for me I played blackjack and won copious amounts of money

We found a cheap hotel in the small casino town of Mesquite a few miles down the road from Vegas last night. I finally realized that if you gamble, you always win. I especially like the feel a dollar bill’s cotton-paper texture on my naked body, which is why I showered with the sixty dollars I won that night.

Today we will drive towards Denver on the last leg of our metaphysical journey, even though my soul is still lost. Maybe it will be in Denver, but who the hell knows. Do they even have souls there?

Sunday June 22nd

Brennan finally died today. It’s actually a very funny story. So we decided that since we were already carrying a chair around with us, we mise well do the same with the black bear we found in Yellowstone. We rigged up a cardboard box and fastened it securely with duck tape so the bear couldn’t escape (obviously). Well, I don’t know if this tape was old or just improperly produced under inappropriate temperature conditions, but that silly bear got loose during the night and just ripped every single one of Brennan’s vital organs from his body. I think it’s the way he would have wanted to go. I later discovered that Brennan had bitten the bear’s ear off in defense, so he went down swinging at the very least. I posted a picture of him towards the end of this entry in tribute of his gracefulness.

So having Brennan gone solidifies something I earlier discovered of my soul. I now think I’m very close to the whereabouts of this tricky prick, though I won’t divulge in this entry. I need a couple of more days in solitude and solace to make certain of what I now believe to be true.

Anyways, I went to a comedy club last night and saw an incredible comedian: Jo Koy. There was moment when I turned towards Brennan to ask if he liked one of the jokes, but then I remembered he had been destroyed earlier.

To Brennan: may the bear that killed you die a slow, painful death of hunger and anguish, or may he be poached by a band of red neck hunters.